
Life As A Dream Oracle with Dyana Valentine

Voila! The latest episode of #TakeNOTE, the place to be to make the most of your non-ordinary transcendent experiences!

In this episode we speak with Dyana Valentine, oracle and teacher. She shares with us what a modern-day oracle is, how this work came to her, and how she works with dreams to help answer people's deepest existential questions.

We talk about:

  • what is an oracle?
  • how dreams give powerful messages for waking life
  • staying congruent as a NOTEs experiencer
  • learning discernment with one's gifts (especially in the early days)
  • developing a process that works for communicating non-ordinary messages
  • working with Spirit/Creator (whatever you want to call it) through everyday life, particularly as an entrepreneur
  • creating and honouring a healthy process as a highly sensitive person, including dealing with the world's pains and troubles
  • the dangers of transformation without grounded support, context, and integration
  • being ok with uncomfortable situations and conversations in an often superficial world (including the "spiritual" community)
  • questioning whether NOTEs need to lead to service, or not!
  • learning which NOTEs are for sharing with others and which aren't
  • figuring out what is your SOUL FOOD

Like, share & enjoy beautiful people! We'd love to hear your thoughts arising from this conversation.

As always, shine on.

And to never miss an episode of Take NOTE, subscribe to my youtube channel. Share with people who will benefit. Thank you. 

You can get in touch with Dyana here.