What Happens Beyond Extraordinary Experiences?

I often get asked if I’ve ever had extraordinary experiences. And if so, what happened?

As anyone who’s had such an experience can attest, it’s often difficult to sum up such transformative live events in a few neat sentences. So, it’s a real pleasure to have the opportunity to share some of my story and to extend the discussion into what life is like through and beyond these experiences.

Those familiar with my work will know that I’m passionate not only about the wild variety of NOTEs (non-ordinary transcendent experiences)—of which there are more than 500!—but also life AFTER these profound experiences. Specifically, how they change us and what we then feel pulled to do in the world.

In fact, I love this stuff so much it’s why I do what I do every single day as a coach for NOTEs experiencers and those seeking a life of spiritual health.

I’m most grateful to Sheryl Gottschall, Barry Taylor, and the Afterlife Discussions community in Brisbane, Australia, for the invitation to share in a wonderful conversation.

If you desire a safe and supportive space to process your NOTEs and to explore the changes in your life they have prompted, it would be my honour to work with you.

Here’s 3 was to join me in live coaching: a new Shine Brighter Success Circle starting early 2019, The Emergence Salon, or a one-to-one Deep Dive Intensive.

Love them all and not sure which one’s the best match for you? Book a FREE 30 minute Discovery Call with me and we’ll figure out your best road forward.

Shine on!