7 Simple Ways To Boost Your Psycho-Spiritual Health Through The Pandemic 
So You Can Emerge Even Stronger And Shinier

Here’s a little video I made for my Agents of Awesome tribe on riding the waves of this pandemic (or whatever it is) so that you, me, we, can all emerge stronger and shiner through and beyond it.

You can watch it via Facebook here.

Here’s the 7 ways:

#1: Take time for you to do whatever you want, and to just be

#2: Make time for quality relationships

#3 Take care of your physical health , your ecosystem : strong roots = strong shoots

#4: Spend time in nature — even short doses can reset

#5: Cultivate joy — find ways to sprinkle your life with moments that give you joy

#6: Stay focused on the things that give you a sense of meaning and purpose

#7: Be mindful of what you’re feeding your mind

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Big love, beautiful people. Shine on!
